COSATU Western Cape media statement on the upcoming national strike

04 July 2023

The Congress of South African Trade Unions in the Western Cape will be embarking on a strike / protest march on Thursday, 06 July 2023. We will be marching to the Provincial Legislature and the National Parliament where a memorandum will be handed to the representatives of these offices.

Our memorandum will among others cover the following issues or demands:

·       Government and the private sector to stop the attack on Collective Bargaining.

·       Prevention of corruption and crime.

·       Reduce high interest rates.

·       Stop job losses and privatization.

·       Address the high unemployment and create decent sustainable jobs.

·       Speedy implementation of the Zondo Commission’s recommendations.

We want the Provincial and National Governments to hear us loud and clear on these matters and regard this strike as a first warning of more mass action to follow, should our demands not be heeded.

This strike will communicate an unmistakable message to the political and business elite that the workers have had enough and are ready to defend their rights. We will continue to push back against the brutal exploitation that is directed at the working class.

We call on everyone who shares the same concerns as out lined above, to join us on Thursday, 06 July 2023.

All workers from all the sectors of the economy are legally protected to go on strike since Nedlac has issued COSATU with a strike certificate in terms of Section 77 of the Labour Relations Act (LRA). We appeal to all workers to report any employer who victimizes workers who will participate as the strike is legally protected.

Issued by COSATU Western Cape

For questions, please call Malvern De Bruyn on – 060 977 9027

                                             Motlatsi Tsubane on –   074 482 6180