The South African Democratic Teachers’ Union in the Northern Cape welcomes and congratulates Mr Gedion Oliphant on his new responsibilities as the acting HOD of the Northern Cape Department of Education.
We are hopeful and confident as the union that under his leadership and extensive background in education he will be able to prioritise and close the human resource and administrative gaps that continue to regress the sector so that the ultimate of providing quality teaching and learning in the classroom is realised.
We firmly believe that Mr Oliphant will be able to navigate the financial challenges, contrary to the Treasury’s announcement on cost containment measures for all departments, without being held hostage or intimidated by the Treasury’s tactics on austerity measures that are imposed and are anti-workers.
As SADTU we commit and pledge our support, looking forward to working with him in advancing the province and the country’s vision in pursuit of a public quality education for all.
We wish him success in his role with the mammoth task ahead.
Issued by: SADTU NC Secretariat
Palesa Nqumashe Provincial Secretary 073 753 4187
Pule Mogopodi Deputy Provincial Secretary 083 2050 159