COSATU Gauteng Provincial Decent Work Campaign

The Congress of South African Trade Unions(COSATU) in Gauteng will host two activities as follows:


Assembly point will be at Old Putco bus Depot in Marabastad at 09:00.

The March will proceed to National Treasury where the memorandum will be delivered to the following Ministers / Department:

*    Department of Trade and Industry

*    Department of Employment and Labour

*    Department of Water and Sanitation

*    Department of Mineral Resources and Energy

*    Department of Finance /The Treasury.

The march will then proceed to Tshwane House where the memorandum will be delivered to the Mayor of Tshwane.

v  Ekurhuleni

There will be a march to MAKRO where the gathering area will be at Germiston Lodge at 09h00 and will proceed to MAKRO in Germiston.

The issues that would be raised will be, but not limited to the following:

1.    Attack on collective Bargaining

2.    Gender Based Violence

3.    Budget cut, including cost containment.

4.    High rate of unemployment and job losses.

5.    Ongoing energy and water crisis.

6.    Campaign against High cost of living

7.    Corruption

8.    Municipal system Act

Issued by COSATU Gauteng

Provincial Secretary – Louisah Modikwe: 066 182 2402 / 082 297 2659
Provincial Chairperson – Amos Monyela: 079 493 5002