02 November 2023
The Congress of South African Trade Unions(COSATU) in the North West has learned with disappointment that the Head of Department in the Department of Health has been arrested and appeared in court yesterday, the 2nd of November 2023.
It is alleged that the HOD contravened section 38 of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) which generally directs what the responsibility of the accounting officer is.
Whilst we note what the prescripts of the act are, we are of the view that this is not mere neglect of the law but a continuation of corruption and maladministration in the province, which is already marred by a service delivery deficit.
Of more concern is that this it is the second occurrence of arrests of senior managers in the provincial government on similar allegations in a period of less than two months.
We do however appreciate that this is equally an indication that the wheels of justice are turning; and we hope that thorough investigations which will lead to conviction will be instituted in all these cases.
COSATU feels vindicated as the federation has been repeatedly calling for the state to deal with corruption and sequentially been told that there is no corruption within the state. These arrests have proven to us and the community at large that corruption runs too deep in the North West province.
COSATU calls on the Premier to remove all those who are implicated in these cases from the public service as they have potential to temper with evidence or intimidate witnesses.
Issued by COSATU North West
For more information please contact:
Kopano Konopi(COSATU North West Provincial Secretary)
Cell: 082 339 5836