05 March 2024
The leadership of the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) will, on International Women’s Day (8 March) begin a three-day gender policy conference.
To be held under the theme, “Inspire Inclusion,” the Policy Review Conference will among others, develop SADTU strategies on curbing and eliminating gender-based violence in schools and reducing teenage pregnancy, review existing gender-based violence policies including the Union’s Gender policy, review the National Strategic Plan on Gender Based Violence as developed by the Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disability; develop strategies to apply and implement the ILO Convention 190 which is aimed at preventing and addressing violence and harassment in the world of work.
The conference will attract close to 250 delegates, who are SADTU leaders from regional, provincial, and national levels. Organisations and leaders to address the conference will include, among others: SADTU President – Magope Maphila, representatives from the Alliance (ANC, SACP and COSATU), South African Police Services, Department of Women Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Department of Labour, Minister of Basic Education, Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development, International Labour Organisation (ILO), Education International’s Africa Region Co-ordinator – Anais Dayamba, Southern Africa Women in Education (SAWEN) Coordinator, Leah Kasaji; SACE CEO – Ella Mokgalane, ELRC CEO – Dr Cindy Foca and LRS Researcher, Nina Benjamin, NALEDI Researcher Liesl Orr.
The media are welcome to attend and report on the open session on Day One. The Conference will take place as follows:
Dates: Friday, 8 – 10 March 2024
Time: 9am (Day 1)
Venue: Southern Sun Hotel, Corner Steve Biko and Pretoria Street, Arcadia, Pretoria
ISSUED BY: SADTU Secretariat
CONTACT: General Secretary, Mugwena Maluleke: 082 783 2968
Deputy General Secretary, Nkosana Dolopi: 082 709 5651
Media Officer, Nomusa Cembi: 082 719 5157