COSATU welcomes National Assembly’s passage of the Older Persons Amendment Bill

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) welcomes the National Assembly’s passage of the Older Persons Amendment Bill.  The Federation supports the Older Persons Amendment Bill and urges Parliament to expedite the adoption of this long overdue progressive Bill.

We welcome this important Bill as it seeks to ensure older persons can retire in peace and are protected from abuses we have all too often witnessed in old age homes or even from their own family members.

Key provisions in the Bill that seek to affirm the dignity and rights of the elderly include measures to:

  • Set minimum norms and oversight over old age homes to prevent some of the horrific crimes that shocked the nation in the past.
  • Protect their assets and inheritances from unscrupulous relatives who seek to abuse them for their own benefit.
  • Requiring temporary safe care be provided for the elderly who have been victims of abuse including removing them from dangerous environments.
  • Oblige anyone who has seen abuses taking place to persons in authority and for these to be investigated and acted upon.
  • Instituting educational support and special care for the elderly with regards to illnesses and chronic diseases as risks to infection and chronic diseases increase with age.

An important part of our efforts to build a more caring society is ensuring the most vulnerable are protected from abuse and the elderly can retire in comfort and dignity.  We are pleased government led by the African National Congress has tabled this Bill at Parliament and look forward to its becoming law.  It will be critical that government deploys the necessary resources, including employing more social and health workers,  to ensure its progressive goals become a living reality.

Issued by COSATU

For further information please contact:

Matthew Parks
Acting National Spokesperson & Parliamentary Coordinator 
Cell: 082 785 0687