The Congress of the South African Trade Unions (COSATU) celebrates the fortitude of its affiliate, the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU) as it marks its 24th anniversary.
It is without a doubt that SATAWU has faced challenges in the past. However, it is set apart by its militant spirit, rising above oppositional forces, all for the emancipation of its members in the transport, cleaning and security sectors, a trait it has consistently carried since its formation in May 2000.
State-Owned Enterprises have experienced many challenges, including at Transnet which has a large number of SATAWU members. Despite these difficulties at SOEs, SATAWU remained as a beacon of hope and a voice against state capture and corruption in the sectors and workplaces it organises.
SATAWU has led the charge to improve the conditions of workers at Transnet and Prasa and across the transport sector, of security, cleaning and other vulnerable workers against some of the most abusive conditions and exploitative employers.
The Federation remains fully behind SATAWU in its unwavering campaigns for government to recapacitate ports, secure rail infrastructure and curb cable theft, including its defence of SOEs and the progressive role of the state and against privatisation.
SATAWU has always exhibited consistent solidarity towards its members, especially in cases where workers burn the brunt of underhanded processes in major entities. More recently we celebrated the reinstatement of 56 workers who were previously dismissed from Public Bonds Project, a company sub-contracted by Eskom at Matimba Power Station in Limpopo last year. This is an example of the many victories of SATAWU. Many more of which are yet to come!
Phambili nge SATAWU, phambili!
Issued by COSATU
For further information please contact:
Matthew Parks
Acting National Spokesperson & Parliamentary Coordinator
Cell: 082 785 0687