COSATU supports Government and SATAWU’s court action to save NTI SOC and workers’ jobs

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) supports the pending court action by the North West and Gauteng Provincial Governments, with our affiliate, the South African Transport and Allied Workers’ Union (SATAWU) to have the business rescue practioners (BRPs) removed from the North West Transport Investments (NTI) SOC Ltd and an acting Chief Executive Officer appointed.

NTI has been experiencing serious difficulties over a long period.  This has affected more than 1500 workers who have been made to go unpaid repeatedly for months at a time, including 3rd party deductions not being transferred to their respective medical aids and pension funds.  Currently workers have not received their salaries for the past 4 months and have been plunged into debt and absolute poverty.

We are shocked that despite the Gauteng Provincial Government taking the progressive decision to inject R49 million into NTI, the BRPs have still failed to pay workers their salaries.

It is clear the BRPs are incapable of turning NTI around.  COSATU thus supports the decision by the two Provincial Governments with SATAWU to take this urgent matter to court to seek an order to remove the BRPs and allow government to appoint a competent acting CEO.

We cannot allow these workers to continue to suffer at the hands of the BRPs.  NTI must be turned around.  Workers’ jobs must be saved.

Issued by COSATU

For more information please feel free to contact the Provincial Secretary of COSATU in the North West, Kopano Konopi on 082 339 5836