The South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) has noted the seventh administration cabinet announced by President Cyril Ramaphosa. We are disappointed, notably with the basic education minister.

Announcing his cabinet, President Ramaphosa mentioned experience and skills to deliver as some of the attributes of this cabinet. Surely, this is not true for the minister of basic education. We acknowledge that the President has a prerogative in appointing ministers and deputy ministers to serve the country. What we know from the leaked letters of the DA though is that the DA demanded certain ministerial posts including basic education. We do not accept this arrogance and racist attitude and mentality of the DA to tell the president how to exercise his constitutional duty to appoint. We cannot condone this behavior because it will set a very dangerous precedent that will destroy our democracy and social cohesion agenda of our county.

Having acknowledged that we have no powers to dictate to the President whom to appoint, but Siviwe Gwarube of the DA is an affront to SADTU. The DA has always made SADTU its enemy number one. Even its election manifesto declared war against SADTU lamenting that the Union was too strong and must be dealt with. They said they believe that the failures of the education system are because the ANC has allowed our education system to be captured by the vested interests of SADTU. This deficit narrative is engrained and enmeshed in their propaganda and ideology. The union does not appoint any personnel to any institution but just like all other unions, it observes the process to ensure a fair process in the best interest of our education and our communities.

Our interest is to see social justice, equitable, equal, and quality public education for all educators to have their academic and professional freedom respected and their labour rights protected as workers.

The DA refuses to acknowledge the role of colonial and apartheid education systems which entrenched inequalities for centuries and decades but puts the blame on SADTU, teachers and learners. Therefore, no amount of persuasion can convince SADTU that the DA accepted the position in order to ensure quality and equitable education. Their motive is to weaken the unions, in particular SADTU.

We reiterate SADTU’s National Executive Committee’s resolve at the meeting held on 26-28 June 2024, “The Union will mobilize the masses to unmask the stereotypes that the DA employs to justify the entrenchment of colonial education system where the poor and working class must accept inferior status. The deficit narratives and framings of blaming the teachers and students of not working to be like their rich counterparts will be challenged and defeated.”

President Ramaphosa made his decision fully aware of the strained relations between SADTU and the DA. We are the largest union in the basic education sector and the Minister cannot pretend we do not exist but should acknowledge and work with us to deliver quality public education in an environment where labour peace is very fundamental. Nothing about teachers without teachers.

We note the appointment of Nobuhle Nkabane as the Minister of Higher Education. We would like to see her challenging the stubbornness of higher education institutions to decolonising the curriculum and being resolute in rooting out corruption in institutions of higher learning and SETAs. The minister must, with immediate effect, focus on rooting out corruption in NSFAS and in TVET colleges where colleges are managed Hollywood-style where everyone is acting. The need for collective bargaining and not begging must be addressed.

ISSUED BY: SADTU Secretariat

 General Secretary, Mugwena Maluleke : 082 783 2968

 Deputy General Secretary, Nkosana Dolopi: 082 709 5651


Secretariat Officer, Xolani Fakude: 071 355 1566

Media Officer, Nomusa Cembi: 082 719 5157