The South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) has successfully negotiated and concluded an above-inflation salary and wage collective agreement with the country’s seven Water Boards under the auspices of the Amanzi Bargaining Council (ABC). These Water Boards are collectively responsible for over 95% of bulk water provision in the country. 

Under the terms of this agreement, workers will receive a salary increase of 7%, and housing allowance shall be increased to R3700 per month per employee. Additionally, all employees within the ABC bargaining unit will see their annual leave entitlement increase to 30 days.

The parties have also committed to ongoing discussions on several key issues, including pay progression, post-retirement medical aid, and the introduction of a remote work policy. Additionally, several demands will be addressed at the plant level, where individual entities will negotiate directly with organised labour to reach local agreements.

These outcomes are significant for us as a Union. They signal the end of an era where employers could offer salaries that fall below the rate of inflation. We have consistently argued that inflation does not accurately reflect the rising cost of living, which workers struggle to keep up with.

Starting on 15 July 2024, SAMWU will commence salary and wage negotiations for workers in the country’s 257 municipalities. We hope that the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), the employer representative in the South African Local Government Bargaining Council (SALGBC), will take note of these successful negotiations and present municipal workers with a more favourable offer. 

We remain optimistic and committed to securing better working conditions and salaries that bring about material change to the lives of our members and workers in general.

As a Union, we extend our gratitude to our members for their trust in the negotiation team and for the mandate they provided. 

SAMWU has once again delivered on the mandate!

Issued by SAMWU Secretariat

Dumisane Magagula

General Secretary

076 580 4029


Nkhetheni Muthavhi

Deputy General Secretary

082 526 5224


Papikie Mohale

National Media Officer

076 795 8670