COSATU shocked by Tshifhiwa Matodzi affidavit

12 July 2024 

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) is alarmed at the revelations contained in the leaked affidavit of former VBS Mutual Bank Chairperson Tshifhiwa Matodzi.

We welcome the conviction of Mr. Matodzi as an important milestone by government led by the African National Congress to tackle the cancer of corruption and cleanse South Africa of this scourge. 

Matodzi was sentenced to an effective 15 years in prison on Wednesday, after entering a plea deal with the State. He pleaded guilty to 33 charges of theft, fraud, money laundering and racketeering relating to theft of more than R1.9 billion from VBS bank accounts. He agreed to testify against his co-conspirators as part of the plea deal. His affidavit implicates several high-ranking politicians.

COSATU calls on the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) to properly investigate and prosecute all those who are implicated in the heist that robbed the poor and working class of their meagre savings.

It is crucial that this matter not be swept under the carpet; that every cent stolen be tracked and returned to the pensioners and workers they were stolen from. The perpetrators must be brought to book, irrespective of whether they sit In Parliament, Legislatures, Municipalities or in the private sector. Justice must be done. Scalps must be claimed.

The silence of political parties is deafening. 

For the workers it is critical that those who ordered and murdered comrades Roland Mani, Timson Tshililo and Thabang Maupa be made to face the full might of the law and thrown in prison. 

Issued by COSATU

For more information please contact:

Zanele Sabela(COSATU National Spokesperson)

Cell: 079 287 5788
