The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in the Northern Cape held its second normal Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) meeting of 2024 on Friday, 26July, in Kimberley.

It was the first PEC meeting after the national and provincial elections that took place on 29 May. The meeting also took place amid the continuing onslaught by Israel against the Palestinians, the race for US presidency and the recent withdrawal by incumbent Joe Biden, the elections in Venezuela and in other countries.  

The PEC therefore resolved to support COSATU’s national programme of International solidarity with workers and people who are vulnerable and denied access to food, water, medical and other basic services due to wars that are tearing the world apart, globally and Africa in particular.

On political matters – The PEC noted the formation of the Government of National Unity (GNU) and its implications on the hard-won rights and other achievements of workers versus the posture of some political parties especially on the National Minimum wage, the National Health Insurance (NHI) and many other pieces of legislation that seek to address the plight of the toiling masses.

We resolved to protect all these gains at all costs and are urging the leadership in government not to entertain any discussion that might pursue downward variation, repeal or any form of tampering that might result in adverse changes to what many workers fought, and some died for.

We further note the that the ANC did not obtain an outright majority in our province and the insatiable desire by the VF Plus in the Northern Cape to expand Orania, and even seeking its recognition outside Thembelihle municipality in exchange of a vote for the ANC in the legislature.

We view this as a serious indictment to our constitutional democracy and a deliberate attempt to reverse the gains of our freedom where all individuals should enjoy equal treatment and be able to reside at any place within the republic. The exclusivity of the white minority in an area within the republic equates to a recognition of a country within a country and as COSATU, we condemn this arrangement.   

We remain committed to the National Democratic Revolution (NDR) and believe that our national resolution to build the Left Popular Front must be a key driver and be expedited to lead us to the 2026 local government elections.

On socio-economic matters – The PEC noted the rising prices of food, fuel, and cost of living in general, including the level of poverty and inequality as well as the ever-growing high rate of unemployment.

The Northern Cape is one of the provinces where infrastructure is dilapidating, the communities having to bear the brunt of water-cuts, poor electricity supply that is unreliable and costly, the poor state of hospitals and other public service points as well as the shortage of personnel in the departments of health and education, for instance.

The Federation has noted that most municipalities are unable to deliver basic services to communities and failing to pay workers’ hard-earned wages. Some of these municipalities are even unable to utilise the grants or monies allocated to them, for example, this year, the Sol Plaatje Municipality had to return over R54 million meant for bulk water infrastructure to National Treasury citing that, “they could not find a service provider”, to us this is a very lame excuse to justify incompetence.

The PEC resolved to embark on a Socio-economic campaign and target all municipalities that are perpetuating malfeasance by failing to pay workers ‘wages, deducting for third party funds like pension fund and UIF but not paying over such monies, and overall inability to render services to the communities. This campaign will take a form of mass picketing, protest marches and town-based engagements to solicit ways and means that will help to expedite effective and efficient service delivery to our people.

The PEC demands the removal of the current municipal manager of Sol Plaatje municipality, Thapelo Matlala, with immediate effect.

We call upon the provincial government to walk the talk and fast-track the implementation of the six key priorities of the ANC’s manifesto, to fill the vacant funded posts and deal with corruption and incompetence.   

On organisational matters – The PEC resolved to launch and build COSATU locals in every town, city, and village across the province, to strengthen solidarity amongst its affiliates and to support its Gender and Young workers’ structures.

Issued by COSATU Northern Cape

For more information, contact:

Orapeleng Moraladi(COSATU Northern Cape Provincial Secretary)
Cell: 078 452 6891
Tel: 053 832 9090