COSATU remembers the Marikana 44

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) remembers the 44 workers who lost their lives in Marikana on this day, and in the days leading up to it in 2012.

Ten people were killed in the North West province town from 12 to 14 August, but it was the gunning down of 34 mineworkers on strike on the 16th, that gave the tragedy its name, that will forever remain a stain on our democracy.

The Lonmin mineworkers had been holding out for a R12 500 wage settlement but the price they ultimately paid was too high. It is inconceivable that a wage negotiation would result in the deaths of so many, leaving their families grief-stricken and destitute because most were breadwinners.

COSATU supports calls for a memorial to be erected at the koppie to honour the lives lost and those who survived, but critically to ensure such a tragedy never happens again.

It is also a mark of shame that the communities around the Platinum Belt continue to live in abject poverty. How is it justifiable that an area endowed with so much mineral wealth is surrounded by communities whose residents are hamstrung by poverty as if it were an albatross around their necks.

COSATU notes our Alliance partner, the African National Congress (ANC)’s recognition that mining communities are in dire need of upliftment. We also welcome our ally’s renewed commitment to work with stakeholders including mining companies, to transform the socio-economic conditions of communities like Marikana, by building schools, housing and health facilities to service the communities as well as to create new economic opportunities for them including upgrading small scales mining.

The ANC has pledged to continue holding mining companies accountable to ensure sustainable development of the areas they operate in including the rehabilitation of old mines. 

The Federation commits itself to working tirelessly to safeguard the rights of workers to safe and healthy working environments, to a decent wage, and to eradicate the inhumane treatment of workers and the working class.

As we commemorate this tragic day, our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones.

COSATU commends its dedicated Affiliate, the National Union of Mineworkers, as it continues to fight for the rights of mineworkers that risk their lives daily by going deep into the belly of the earth. It is our hope that the disclosure of the earnings of the highest paid employees as well as that of the lowest paid workers, as stipulated by the recently signed Companies Amendment Act will produce the designed results and shame mining companies into closing the staggering pay gap between CEOs and mineworkers.  

Issued by COSATU

Zanele Sabela(COSATU National Spokesperson)

Mobile: 079 287 5788 / 077 600 6639
