COSATU North West welcomes the removal of the Deputy Speaker of the Provincial Legislature

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in the North West is shocked to learn that the ANC has taken a decision to remove the Deputy Speaker of the Provincial Legislature, Tshepo Khoza, due to allegations of presenting fake qualifications.

Khoza is alleged to have forged his matric certificate.

COSATU North West is keenly aware of the surge in criminal activities including the faking of documents as some insist on occupying positions in the society which they are not qualified for or deserve.

In the past we have commended the ANC’s decision to deploy comrades who have the relevant qualifications and status in the society, and the fact that the ANC is against the deployment of comrades who have questionable credentials. We believe this is a stance which must be defended by all individuals with integrity.

We also believe that his removal as a deputy speaker is not enough and call on the  ANC to remove him from all areas of deployment as his conduct has put the organisation into disrepute.

If the allegation that he falsified his qualifications is proven to be true, COSATU in the North West calls on our ally to initiate criminal charges against him so he can be held accountable for his misdeed.

We further call on the ANC to do thorough vetting of all of its deployees so that it is not caught by surprise when such allegations make headline news.

Issued by COSATU North West

For more information, please contact:

Provincial Secretary Kopano Konopi, 082 339 5836