The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) notes President Cyril Ramaphosa’s referral of the Copyright Amendment and Performers’ Protection Bills to the Constitutional Court for affirmation. Whilst the Federation appreciates the President’s need to seek constitutional surety, we remain aggrieved that these Bills have been in the pipeline for more than a decade and subjected to numerous delays.
COSATU supports the Bills as we believe they will play a critical role in ensuring that learners, students and persons with disabilities are able to access education and other learning materials which are all too often inaccessible or unaffordable. They will also elevate and affirm the rights of actors and performers who have been subject to the most horrific forms of abuse, exploitation and insecurity.
The Bills have been extensively debated, amended and enriched over the past 10 years by both the 5th and 6th Parliaments, incorporating numerous amendments to address the concerns of stakeholders and ensure they fulfil the Constitution’s progressive objectives and in line with international best practise.
The Federation is confident the Bills meet constitutional muster. We urge the Constitutional Court to expedite the consideration of the Bills, taking into consideration the extraordinary lengths to which it has been debated by Parliament. This will be key to ensuring there is legal certainty and constitutional clarity for all affected parties. If the Constitutional Court determines that further legal drafting for the Bills to achieve constitutional compliance is required, we believe that should be dealt with speedily by Parliament in consultation with affected stakeholders.
Issued by COSATU
For further information please contact:
Matthew Parks(COSATU Parliamentary Coordinator)
Cell: 082 785 0687