The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in the province of KwaZulu-Natal is deeply concerned and disturbed about the failure by the Ray Nkonyeni Municipality to come up with innovative ways and means to resolve the impasse in the municipality.
Following the amalgamation of two municipalities, the Hibiscus Coast Municipality and Ezinqoleni Municipality, which took place in August 2016, the status of the municipality was raised from Grade 4 to Grade 5. In 2021, the municipality reviewed upper limits of the salaries of senior management, heads of departments (HODs) and the municipal manager were upgraded from Grade 4 to Grade 5. In 2023, the municipality elevated the salary scale of councilors to Grade 5 and ensured they received back-pay.
A process to harmonise workers’ salaries in line with the grading process was conducted as some workers are still paid at differing levels post the amalgamation. The matter was subjected to arbitration, which ruled that workers must be placed at Category Level 5 and be paid six-months compensation. However, the municipality opted to review the arbitration award at the Labour Court.
As much as labour accepts the employer’s right to review the ruling, workers are understandably disturbed that the very same process was implemented unhindered for councilors and HODs, but now that it is their turn, the process is hamstrung. Workers feel the review of the arbitration award is intended to frustrate them and further stall the process. This has had a demoralising effect as most workers remain vulnerable and poor.
COSATU has held various engagements with the leadership of our militant Affiliate, the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU), who have displayed a high level of understanding of the matters at hand and a commitment to resolve the impasse. However, the leadership is immensely frustrated by the lack political will displayed by the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and the municipality. The same level of frustration is currently felt by workers and SAMWU leadership at the uMdoni Municipality.
COSATU in the province has escalated the matter to the national leadership for further intervention at government level.
The Federation in the province calls on the municipality to afford this matter the urgency it deserves to prevent action that may negatively impact service delivery.
We call on SALGA to play its oversight role on the municipality effectively and efficiently and dedicate itself to resolving matters that may affect the functioning of municipalities negatively, to avoid disruption of service delivery.
COSATU and its affiliate, SAMWU, call for calm while working with respective structures to find an amicable and progressive solution to the matter.
Issued by COSATU KZN Province
Edwin Mkhize (Provincial Secretary)
082 399 7756