SAMWU Condemns City of Tshwane’s Attempt to Undermine Collective Bargaining 

The South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) strongly condemns the City of Tshwane’s reckless decision to pursue a review of the South African Local Government Bargaining Council (SALGBC) arbitration award, which declared the suspension of five officials unlawful and ordered their immediate reinstatement. This action is a clear and disgraceful affront to the country’s labour laws, collective agreements, and the fundamental principles of justice and fairness.

The City’s baseless claims of “defects” in the proceedings and the SALGBC ruling are nothing more than a calculated attempt to escape its legal obligations. This spurious excuse serves no other purpose than to delay justice, prolong unnecessary legal battles, and waste taxpayers’ money. The SALGBC arbitration process is founded on fairness, impartiality, and transparency, and the award was determined based on the merits of the case, following due process. The City’s attempt to disregard this ruling is an affront to every principle of justice and accountability.

Under the former mayor, Cilliers Brink, the City of Tshwane made it a habit to challenge and dismiss SALGBC findings, rather than honouring the agreements reached was clearly evident when the City refused to implement lawful directives to pay workers their 3.5% and 5.4% salary increases, instead opting to waste public resources fighting in court. The City’s repeated refusal to comply with binding agreements undermines the very foundation of labour relations and collective bargaining.

SAMWU views this behaviour as an outright attack on the principle of collective bargaining, and on the processes that are designed to ensure fair negotiations between workers and their employer. The City of Tshwane has shown a flagrant disregard for the bargaining council’s authority and the integrity of the agreements reached within it, choosing instead to engage in endless legal battles. This is an insult to every worker in Tshwane, and a direct assault on the rights that our members are entitled to under South Africa’s labour laws.

It is painfully evident that this review application has been driven by political interference, and we believe it is the former mayor, Cllr Brink, who continues to pull the strings behind the scenes. His failure to accept that he is no longer in charge of the City is both frustrating and disgraceful. The new administration must not be tempted to bow to the influence of Brink’s misguided leadership. It is time for the new leadership to stand firm, demonstrate their authority, and show who is truly in charge of the City of Tshwane.

We call upon the new administration to reject this temptation, to stop dancing to the tune of a disgraced former leader, and to respect the SALGBC’s binding award. The time has come for the City to fulfil its obligations and to show respect for workers and the rule of law. It is time to prioritise the well-being of Tshwane’s workers and move beyond the failed politics of the past.

SAMWU will not stand by as the City seeks to undermine our members’ rights. We remain resolute in our commitment to defend the integrity of collective bargaining and the fundamental rights of all municipal workers. We demand that the City of Tshwane honour its commitments, stop wasting public funds on frivolous legal battles, and uphold the principles of fairness, justice, and respect for workers.

Issued by SAMWU Secretariat

Dumisane Magagula, General Secretary (076 580 4029), Nkhetheni Muthavhi, Deputy General Secretary (082526 5224) or Papikie Mohale, National Media Officer, (076 795 8670).