Category: Cosatu

COSATU welcomes President Ramaphosa’s assenting to the National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) welcomes President Cyril Ramaphosa’s assenting to the National Veld and Forest Fire Amendment Bill.  The Federation supports this progressive Act requiring national, provincial and local government institutions to develop fire management policies and plans. It will help hold government, including State-Owned Enterprises accountable for their efforts to […]

COSATU Message of Support – Ahmed Kathrada Commemoration

Programme Director, The family of our late leader, uncle Kathy, Leadership of the Kathrada Foundation, the ANC, SACP and COSATU, Leadership of various political parties present, Comrades and friends, Thank you for inviting COSATU to join this important event in honour of uncle Kathy. In times of distress, we would do well to tap into […]