[su_heading size=”21″ align=”left”]Book List[/su_heading]
1. Guide to Trade Union Congress Education | This booklet is a guide to the courses and services offered by the TUC Education Services. |
2. A Comparative Study Of Antecedents Of Gender Specific School Wastage Rates In Kenya | |
3. A Comparative Study Of Culture And Its Impact On Girls Academic Aspirations In Uganda | |
4. A National Training Strategy Initiative: A Discussion Document | A Preliminary Report By The National Training Board |
5. AALAE | Journal of the African Association for Literacy and Adult Education |
6. AALAE Three-Year Programme | Skills development |
7. Adult Basic Education Programmes | Shopsteward’s Guide |
8. African studie Course | The early History of Africa |
9. An introduction to the skills development strategy | |
10. ANC: a policy framework for education and training | Education Department: African National Congress |
11. ANC: a policy framework for education and training | Education Department: African National Congress |
12. Arts work with People | Community Arts in Cuba. Birth of an Asociation. Jack Drum’s Entertaiment |
13. Buang Basadi | Conference on Women and Writing |
14. Community Growth Fund | do you know what happens to your pension fund |
15. Community Growth Fund | Our Voice in the Economy |
16. Conflict Prevention and Resolution | The Role of Trade Unions |The material aims at highlighting what has been considered the most important aspects of conflict prevention |
17. Convergence | Education |
18. Core Curriculum Draft of proposed Syllabuses | Distance Education Programme |
19. Cosatu 5 year Education Strategy | Educating Towards Working Class Power |
20. Cosatu 5 year Education Strategy | Educating Towards Working Class Power |
21. Cosatu Education | Our political Economy: understanding the problems |
22. Cosatu Education and Skills Conference | 3-5 July 2012 |
23. Cosatu Education Conference 2003 | Volume 3 Formal Education and Training |
24. COSATU Education Programme | 1997-1999 |
25. COSATU Education: our economy | Understanding the problems |
26. COSATU H/O | National Education Committee |
27. Cosatu Site Tax Workshop Training Manual | training manual |
28. Cosatu Spring School 1993 | Organising Skills: foundation course for shop stewards |
29. COSATU Summer School | Trainers’ Guidelines: Legal Skills Course |
30. COSATU Summer School | Legal Skills Course: trainers guide |
31. COSATU winter School | Labour Law Basic Course |
32. CWIU: Winning Strikes | A guide to strike action |
33. CWU: Information, Communication & Technology Sector Summit | Education Booklet |
34. Developing A Teacher Education Activity While Researching Students Understanding Of Acquired Inheritance | |
35. Discrimination In Formal Education, Labour Market Access, Job Progress And Job Compensation In Cameroon | |
36. Duties of a Shopsteward | who is a shopsteward, duties of a shopstewars and how to run a union meeting |
37. Education and Training: Key to Worker Empowerment and RDP | Comprehensive Booklet Arising Out of the 4th National Education and Training Conference of the NUM, January 1995 |
38. Educators Education | Training Module |
39. Ensuring Quality in Education and Training | The role of education and training quality assurence bodies |
40. Executive Summary | A Preliminary Report By The National Training Board |
41. Family Dynamics And Education In An Urban Setting | A Study Of Educational Inequalities Between Boys And Girls In Bamako |
42. Female participation In Science | An analysis of Secondary School Science Curriculum materials in Nigeria |
43. Gender Conceptions And Persceptions That Predispose Girls To Premature Termination Of Education | The Case For Kabarole District, Uganda |
44. Girls In Maths And Science Classrooms | A Study In Malawi And South Africa |
45. Graduate Development Studies in Holland 1990-1991 | Institute of Social Studies aims to contribute to the understanding and solutions of social and economic problems |
46. Home | Ownership Information Forum |
Household Economics | Implications For The Attainment of Enrolment Of Girls In Schools In Uganda |
47. Human Resource Development Strategy for South Africa | A nation at work for a better life for all |
48. Implementing the National Skills Development Strategy | The Role of SETA and the Department of Labour’s Provincial Offices |
49. Information Sheet | Some Trends of 1988 and their Implications for the future |
50. Information Sheet | Industrial Democracy Beyond The Labour Relations Amendment Act |
51. Information Sheet | The IG Metall Code – The Implications For Industrila Relations In South Africa |
52. Information Sheet | How Do We Act Now That We Have The Act? |
53. Information Sheet | Responsible Strike Action |
54. Information Sheet | Industrial Action Law In West Germany |
55. Information Sheet | Director’s Annual Reports 1989 |
56. Information Sheet | Smash And Grab or All Round Consensus |
57. Integrating Women and Gender in the Trade Union | Training Module |
58. Introductory Training for Shopstewards | Facilitators Guide |
59. Labour Education | |
60. Learnerships | Transforming people, transforming South Africa |
61. Learning from Other trade Unions | Policy Alternatives For Trade Union Education |
62. Minutes of the National Consultative Conference on Education and Training Policy | Education Department: African National Congress |
63. National Level Leadership | Training Module |
64. National Skills Development Strategy | Setting the context |
65. National Training Strategy | The NTB/HSRC Investigation |
66. National Union of Mine Workers | Education and Training Brochure |
67. National Union of Mine Workers | study Circle manual |
68. New Era Vol.5 March 1990 | Joe Slovo on Socialism |
69. New Era Vol.5 No.2 Winter 1990 | Building ANC branches |
70. Nigeria Labour Congress | Women’s Education Handbook |
71. Nigeria Labour Congress | Trade Union Education Handbook |
72. Organising in the taxi industry: the South African experience | This booklet describes how workers and employers have started organising in South Africa’s kombi taxi industry |
73. Over Adult Illiterary | Research on Education in South Africa |
74. Parental versus Peer Conformity Among Adolescents In Secondary Schools In Kisumu District | |
75. Proposal for the development of a basic course for adult education | The development of education is crucial in building the capacity of marginalised communities and people to participate in transformation and development work |
76. School Administration A Girls Academic Performance | A Comparative Study Of Academic Performance In Central Uganda Secondary Schools |
77. SETAs – Education and Training Authorities | Managing the task of equipping South Africans with skills |
78. Shopstewards Guide | Fighting unfair dismissals |
79. Socialism Is The Future | Foudantion course for shop stewards |
80. Summery of the proceedings of the Housing workshop hosted by ANC-DEP | Soweto September 1991 |
81. Summery of the proceedings of the Housing workshop hosted by ANC-DEP | Soweto September 1991 |
82. Summery of the proceedings of the Housing workshop hosted by ANC-DEP | Soweto September 1991 |
83. Sustainable Democracy and Human Rights | Debt Relief and the HIPC Initiative in African Countries |
84. The Determinates Of Women’s Low Schooling Rate In Cameroon | A Case Study Of Yaounde |
85. The EU – SA Agreement | South Africa, Southern Africa and the European Union |
86. The Knowledge. Attitudes And Practices Of Women and Girls At Grassroot Level | |
87. The National Skills Development Strategy | Understanding the laws |
88. The National Skills Development Strategy | Skills for productive citizenship for all |
89. The Road to Democratic Future | Alternative education for a democratic future |
90. The Struggle for the Land | South Africa History Series No1 life on the land to 1913 |
91. Towards A Plan Of Action For The Improvement Of Female Literacy And Enrolment In Southern Nigeria | |
92. Trade Union Training and Workers’ Education | Deals much with collective agreements |
93. Trade Unions and Migrant Workers | A workers education guide |
94. Voter Education | Manual for Community Educators |
95. Women’s Handbook for Trade Union Education | Bargaining Issues |
96. Women’s Handbook for Trade Union Education | Women Workers And Society |
97. Working women | Pregnancy and maternity Rights |
98. Workplace Representative | Training Module |
99. You and P.A.Y.E | Human Resource programme |
100. You and U.I.F. | Human Resource programme |
101. You and workers’ Compensation | Human Resource programme |
102. Zonal State Level Leadership | Training Module |
103. Women’s Trade Union Training | Assertive Training Notes | Non-Assertive | Assertive | Aggression etc |
104. Primary Education in the Netherlands | Once they have reached the age of 4, all children in the Netherlands are allowed to go to school |
105. NUMSA Strategic Planning Workshop | HIV/AIDS, Gender and Health and Safety in the workplace |
106. NEHAWU | Educatin and Policy |
107 NEHAWU: a sector-specific training manual for shopstewards | Build Capacity to Service Members | Consolidate the Union-Consolidate working Class |
108. Cosatu Education: defending the workers | Democratising the workers |
109. NUM Constitution | Constitution |
110. NUM National Policy & Planning Workshop Report | Aduld Basic Education and Training |
111. NUMSA Guide to Retrenchment | Guide for NUM Organisers |
112. Training Manual For Branch Officers | Book deals with the duties of Branch Secretaries and Branch Chairpersons, also valuable to shop stewards |
113. Shop Stewards Handbook | Covers health and safety, legislation and plant bargaining |
114. NEHAWU Organisers Handbook | Guides in areas of mobilising, organising and conscientising union members |
115. Adult Education and Development | Poverty Reduction and Adult Education |
116. Basic Union Studies | Course in basic trade unionism |
117. Guide to Retrenchment | NUM Organisers |
118. The ASECA Handbook Vol.Jul/Dec 1994 | ASECHA offers new certificates and a new education for adults who wish to complete their seconday education. |
119. DITSELA Board Planning Workshop July 2000 | Identify challenges faced by union movement |
120. Women Workers’ Rights | Modular Training Package |