

[su_heading size=”21″ align=”left”]Book List[/su_heading]
1. Guide to Trade Union Congress Education This booklet is a guide to the courses and services offered by the TUC Education Services.
2. A Comparative Study Of Antecedents Of Gender Specific School Wastage Rates In Kenya
3. A Comparative Study Of Culture And Its Impact On Girls Academic Aspirations In Uganda
4.  A National Training Strategy Initiative: A Discussion Document A Preliminary Report By The National Training Board
5.  AALAE Journal of the African Association for Literacy and Adult Education
6.  AALAE Three-Year Programme Skills development
7. Adult Basic Education Programmes Shopsteward’s Guide
8. African studie Course The early History of Africa
9. An introduction to the skills development strategy
10.  ANC: a policy framework for education and training Education Department: African National Congress
11. ANC: a policy framework for education and training Education Department: African National Congress
12. Arts work with People Community Arts in Cuba. Birth of an Asociation. Jack Drum’s Entertaiment
13. Buang Basadi Conference on Women and Writing
14. Community Growth Fund do you know what happens to your pension fund
15. Community Growth Fund Our Voice in the Economy
16.  Conflict Prevention and Resolution The Role of Trade Unions |The material aims at highlighting what has been considered the most important aspects of conflict prevention
17.  Convergence Education
18.  Core Curriculum Draft of proposed Syllabuses Distance Education Programme
19. Cosatu 5 year Education Strategy Educating Towards Working Class Power
20. Cosatu 5 year Education Strategy Educating Towards Working Class Power
21.  Cosatu Education Our political Economy: understanding the problems
22. Cosatu Education and Skills Conference 3-5 July 2012
23.  Cosatu Education Conference 2003 Volume 3 Formal Education and Training
24.  COSATU Education Programme 1997-1999
25.   COSATU Education: our economy Understanding the problems
26.   COSATU H/O National Education Committee
27.  Cosatu Site Tax Workshop Training Manual training manual
28.  Cosatu Spring School 1993 Organising Skills: foundation course for shop stewards
29.  COSATU Summer School Trainers’ Guidelines: Legal Skills Course
30.  COSATU Summer School Legal Skills Course: trainers guide
31.   COSATU winter School Labour Law Basic Course
32. CWIU: Winning Strikes A guide to strike action
33.   CWU: Information, Communication & Technology Sector Summit Education Booklet
34.   Developing A Teacher Education Activity While Researching Students Understanding Of Acquired Inheritance
35.   Discrimination In Formal Education, Labour Market Access, Job Progress And Job Compensation In Cameroon
36.   Duties of a Shopsteward who is a shopsteward, duties of a shopstewars and how to run a union meeting
37.   Education and Training: Key to Worker Empowerment and RDP Comprehensive Booklet Arising Out of the 4th National Education and Training Conference of the NUM, January 1995
38.   Educators Education Training Module
39.    Ensuring Quality in Education and Training The role of education and training quality assurence bodies
40.   Executive Summary A Preliminary Report By The National Training Board
41.   Family Dynamics And Education In An Urban Setting A Study Of Educational Inequalities Between Boys And Girls In Bamako
42.   Female participation In Science An analysis of Secondary School Science Curriculum materials in Nigeria
43.   Gender Conceptions And Persceptions That Predispose Girls To Premature Termination Of Education The Case For Kabarole District, Uganda
44.  Girls In Maths And Science Classrooms A Study In Malawi And South Africa
45.  Graduate Development Studies in Holland 1990-1991 Institute of Social Studies aims to contribute to the understanding and solutions of social and economic problems
46.  Home Ownership Information Forum
Household Economics Implications For The Attainment of Enrolment Of Girls In Schools In Uganda
47.  Human Resource Development Strategy for South Africa A nation at work for a better life for all
48.  Implementing the National Skills Development Strategy The Role of SETA and the Department of Labour’s Provincial Offices
49.  Information Sheet Some Trends of 1988 and their Implications for the future
50.  Information Sheet Industrial Democracy Beyond The Labour Relations Amendment Act
51.  Information Sheet The IG Metall Code – The Implications For Industrila Relations In South Africa
52.  Information Sheet How Do We Act Now That We Have The Act?
53.  Information Sheet Responsible Strike Action
54.  Information Sheet Industrial Action Law In West Germany
55.  Information Sheet Director’s Annual Reports 1989
56.  Information Sheet Smash And Grab or All Round Consensus
57.  Integrating Women and Gender in the Trade Union Training Module
58.  Introductory Training for Shopstewards Facilitators Guide
59.  Labour Education
60.  Learnerships Transforming people, transforming South Africa
61.  Learning from Other trade Unions Policy Alternatives For Trade Union Education
62.   Minutes of the National Consultative Conference on Education and Training Policy Education Department: African National Congress
63.  National Level Leadership Training Module
64.  National Skills Development Strategy Setting the context
65.  National Training Strategy The NTB/HSRC Investigation
66.  National Union of Mine Workers Education and Training Brochure
67.  National Union of Mine Workers study Circle manual
68.  New Era Vol.5 March 1990 Joe Slovo on Socialism
69.  New Era Vol.5 No.2 Winter 1990 Building ANC branches
70.  Nigeria Labour Congress Women’s Education Handbook
71.  Nigeria Labour Congress Trade Union Education Handbook
72.  Organising in the taxi industry: the South African experience This booklet describes how workers and employers have started organising in South Africa’s kombi taxi industry
73.  Over Adult Illiterary Research on Education in South Africa
74.  Parental versus Peer Conformity Among Adolescents In Secondary Schools In Kisumu District
75.  Proposal for the development of a basic course for adult education The development of education is crucial in building the capacity of marginalised communities and people to participate in transformation and development work
76.  School Administration A Girls Academic Performance A Comparative Study Of Academic Performance In Central Uganda Secondary Schools
77.  SETAs – Education and Training Authorities Managing the task of equipping South Africans with skills
78. Shopstewards Guide Fighting unfair dismissals
79.  Socialism Is The Future Foudantion course for shop stewards
80.  Summery of the proceedings of the Housing workshop hosted by ANC-DEP Soweto September 1991
81.   Summery of the proceedings of the Housing workshop hosted by ANC-DEP Soweto September 1991
82.   Summery of the proceedings of the Housing workshop hosted by ANC-DEP Soweto September 1991
83.   Sustainable Democracy and Human Rights Debt Relief and the HIPC Initiative in African Countries
84.   The Determinates Of Women’s Low Schooling Rate In Cameroon A Case Study Of Yaounde
85.   The EU – SA Agreement South Africa, Southern Africa and the European Union
86.  The Knowledge. Attitudes And Practices Of Women and Girls At Grassroot Level
87.  The National Skills Development Strategy Understanding the laws
88. The National Skills Development Strategy Skills for productive citizenship for all
89.  The Road to Democratic Future Alternative education for a democratic future
90.  The Struggle for the Land South Africa History Series No1 life on the land to 1913
91.  Towards A Plan Of Action For The Improvement Of Female Literacy And Enrolment In Southern Nigeria
92.  Trade Union Training and Workers’ Education Deals much with collective agreements
93.  Trade Unions and Migrant Workers A workers education guide
94.  Voter Education Manual for Community Educators
95.  Women’s Handbook for Trade Union Education Bargaining Issues
96.  Women’s Handbook for Trade Union Education Women Workers And Society
97.  Working women Pregnancy and maternity Rights
98.   Workplace Representative Training Module
99.  You and P.A.Y.E Human Resource programme
100.   You and U.I.F. Human Resource programme
101. You and workers’ Compensation Human Resource programme
102.  Zonal State Level Leadership Training Module
103.  Women’s Trade Union Training Assertive Training Notes | Non-Assertive | Assertive | Aggression etc
104.  Primary Education in the Netherlands Once they have reached the age of 4, all children in the Netherlands are allowed to go to school
105.  NUMSA Strategic Planning Workshop HIV/AIDS, Gender and Health and Safety in the workplace
106.  NEHAWU Educatin and Policy
107  NEHAWU: a sector-specific training manual for shopstewards Build Capacity to Service Members | Consolidate the Union-Consolidate working Class
108.  Cosatu Education: defending the workers Democratising the workers
109.  NUM Constitution Constitution
110.  NUM National Policy & Planning  Workshop Report Aduld Basic Education and Training
111.  NUMSA Guide to Retrenchment Guide for NUM Organisers
112.  Training Manual For Branch Officers Book deals with the duties of Branch Secretaries and Branch Chairpersons, also valuable to shop stewards
113.  Shop Stewards Handbook Covers health and safety, legislation and plant bargaining
114.  NEHAWU Organisers Handbook Guides in areas of mobilising, organising and conscientising union members
115.  Adult Education and Development Poverty Reduction and Adult Education
116.  Basic Union Studies Course in basic trade unionism
117.  Guide to Retrenchment NUM Organisers
118.  The ASECA Handbook Vol.Jul/Dec 1994 ASECHA offers new certificates and a new education for adults who wish to complete their seconday education.
119.  DITSELA Board Planning Workshop July 2000 Identify challenges faced by union movement
120. Women Workers’ Rights Modular Training Package