[1] Economic and Social Rights: SANGOCO’s Report on Poverty and Human Rights |
SA Human Rights Commission Vol . 5 |
[2] 100 Years of workers Struggle |
The theology of work and the struggle for workers in the 80s |
[3] 2nd National Labour Commission |
Views of national trade union centres |
[4] A Cause for Concern |
Media Coverage of Industrial Disputes |
[5] A History of the chemical workers industrial union |
The first 10 years |
[6] A South African Workers Guide to Globalisation |
The booklet aims to define glolisation, discuss the impact of it and how workers respond to it |
[7] A Thousand Ways to Die |
The struggles for safety in the gold mines |
[8] Address to Teachers Unity |
Union of Teachers Association of South Africa |
[9] Affiliates and Cosatu Coordinators Meeting |
14 May 1995 Protea Gardens Hotel Berea |
[10] African Charter for popular participation in development |
this publication contains the African Charter for Popular Participation in dev which was adopted by acclamation by the participants of the International Conference |
[11] African Trade Unions and Foreign Debts |
[12] American Labour Movement |
Brief history of the American Labour Movement |
[13] ASATUW Forum |
2-5 November 1995 Riverside Hotel |
[14] Beating Apartheid |
The current crisis in South Africa |
[15] Black Trade Unions |
The influence of apartheid and capitalism on developmen of black trade unions |
[16] Bolivia: the unfinished struggle |
How the workers in Bolivia fought bravely against the amry government |
[17] Botwana |
This booklet tells the story of workers in one country, Botswana, near South Africa. It looks at the biggest strike ever happened in Botswana. |
[18] Breaking Boundaries |
Building an international workers movement |
[19] Building our Locals |
A guide for COSATU local office bearers |
[20] Commonwealth Heads of States |
The Nassau Communique october 1985 |
[21] Conference for a Democratic Future |
Discussion papers. Articles on how to negotiate with government |
[22] Congress of South African Union |
Supplement to the Documents |
[23] Congress of South African Union |
CEC Meeting |
[24] Congress of South African Union |
CEC Meeting 23-25 March |
[25] Congress of South African Union |
CEC Meeting Cosatu Head office 8 April 1994 |
[26] Congress of South African Union |
CEC Meeting 4 February 1994 |
[27] Congress of South African Union |
NWSC Co-ordinators Meeting 8 April 1995 |
[28] Congress of South African Union |
CEC Meeting: Financial Statement 21-22 July 1995 |
[29] Congress of South African Union |
Cosatu national Women Sub-Committee Co-Ordinators Meeting 8 April 1995 |
[30] Congress of South African Union |
Nedcom Meeting 13-14 june 1994 |
[31] Congress of South African Union |
Notes to the 1994 Financial Statements |
[32] Constitution of DENOSA |
Constitution |
[33] Constitution of the International Labour Organisation and Standing Orders |
[34] Constitution of the National Workers Union of Jamaica |
Revised edition 1977 |
[35] Cosatu Constitution |
As amended at the 4th National Congress – 1994 |
[35] Cosatu Constitution |
as amended by the 8th National Congress in 2003 |
[36] Cosatu Constitution |
as amended by the 4th National Congress in 1991 |
[37] COSATU position paper for ANC National General Council on development and undevelopment |
This paper first summerizes the arguments in the ANC’s discussion paper on development. It then provide COSATU’s view on proposals in the paper. |
[38] COSATU Provident Fund |
Fund explained |
[39] COSATU: Key Policy Issues Papers & major Resolutions |
4th National Congress, July 1994 |
[40] Divide and Profit |
Indian workers in Natal |
[41] Durban Strikes |
Miners goes on a massive strike action |
[42] Economic Emancipation and Democratic Governance |
The Role of the Trade Unions |
[43] European Trade Union Institute |
The role of economic and social councils in western Europe |
[44] EW Union: The challenge of a new union |
Report of th COHSE, NALGO and NUPE National Executives to the 1990 Annual Conference |
[45] EW Union: The challenge of a new union |
Common Security Forum Studies |
[46] Farm Workers Union |
Constitution |
[47] Federation of South African Trade Union |
The workers struggle, where does FOSATU stand |
[48] Finnish Metal Workers Union |
Structure |
[49] Food and Allied Workers Union Constitution |
Constitution |
[50] Free Labour World |
[51] Free Trade Unions For Economic And Social Progress |
Economic and social policies of ICFTU |
[52] I am on my way home |
[53] ILO Declaration On Fundamental Principles And Rights At Work |
[54] Initiative to form a united South African Writers Organisation |
[55] International confederation of Free Trade Union |
Annual Survey of violations of Trade Union rights |
[56] International confederation of Free Trade Union |
Rules And Standing Orders |
[57] International confederation of Free Trade Union |
XIV Regional Congress, Tunis |
[58] International confederation of Free Trade Union |
African Regional Organisation |
[59] International Labour office |
Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises |
[60] International Labour Reports |
Coal: Miners in the Market Place |
[61] International Labour reports |
After Japan: a new industrial relations |
[62] International Labour Reports |
Divided Ireland: two troubled economies |
[63] International Labour Reports |
1992: A challenge to labour |
[64] International Labour Reports |
Nigeria in Profile |
[65] International Labour Review |
The ILO was founded in 1919 to advance the cause of social justice and by so doing, contribute to ensuring universal and lasting peace. |
[66] International Labour Standards for Development and social Justice |
Introduces the standards and shows how they contribute to the attainment of economic and social development through international technical cooperation |
[67] International Textile, Garmet and leather Workers Federation |
Secretariat |
[68] International Trade Unionism |
the booklet set out who the different organisations are that usually known only by their initials. |
[69] International Training Programs in Labour Statistics, 1988 |
statistics |
[70] International Viewpoint |
Soviet Election Gets out of hand |
[71] Intorduction to the Korean National Textile Workers Union |
the working and structure of the union |
[72] Judgements of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO |
This volume contains the judgements the tribunal delivered at its 70th session. |
[73] Labour Education |
[74] Labour Factsheet |
Labour and Politics |
[75] Labour Movement and Employee Investment Funds |
History Recommendation and Commentary |
[76] Labour Relations in South African Public Service |
POPCRU Labour Relation Conference 16 October 2002 |
[77] Labour Verses |
Poetry of Anger, Poetry of Faith |
[78] Lessons from Argentina |
The Buenos Aires water Concession |
[79] Lessons from the 1970s struggles and strikes in East Londo |
East London area erupted in a wave of wildcat strike actions and community boycotts that began at the end of 1973. |
[80] LO – a central organization in Denmark |
Booklet is to increase the knowledge of the Danish movement and its activities |
[81] Metalworkers in South Africa |
Report of IMF Mission to South Africa |
[82] Migration |
This booklet gives an overview of major labour migration movements in different regions of the globe |
[83] Moving Borders |
women and the trade unions in the Netherlands |
Mozambique |
A luta Continua |
[84] Namibian Women and Employment |
Strategies and Policies for the promotion of equal opportunity |
[85] Namibian Workers Organise |
[86] National Union of Mine Workers |
Study Circle Manual |
[87] NEHAWU National policy Conference |
Policy Framework Document 1 |
[88] New Labour Forum |
a journal of ideas, analysis, and debate |
[89] Nicaragua |
Against all odds |
[90] Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions |
Structure |
[91] NUM 11th National Congress |
Secretariat Report 7-10 May 2003 |
[92] NUM 1946 |
Five brave days |
[93] NUM Annual Financial Statement |
31-Dec-03 |
[94] NUM Central Committee |
Secretariat Report 12-15 May 2005 |
[95] NUM Compensation for work |
[96] NUM Construction Sector |
Special Congress 2004 |
[97] NUM Retirement Fund Summit |
Report 3-5 March 2005 |
[98] NUM Service to members |
Preliminary Report |
[99] NUM Special Congress |
Constitutional Amendments 2004 |
[100] NUM Special Congress |
Secretariat Report |
[101] NUM: Guide to Retrenchment |
NUM Organisers |
[102] NUM: Guide to Retrenchment |
NUM Organisers |
[103] NUM: Guide to Retrenchment |
NUM Organisers |
[104] NUM: Guide to Retrenchment |
NUM Organisers |
[105] Official South African Trade Unions Directory |
Industrial Relations Handbook and Diary |
[106] Paper presented at the POPCRU Workshop |
[107] Plought o Plate Approches to Food and Agriculture |
Workers and Trade Unions In The Agriculture And Food System |
[108] POPCRU Labour Relations Conference |
Leroy Logan chairperson of the Lodon Black Police Association Speech |
[109] Power |
Black workers, their unions and the struggle for freedom in South Africa |
[110] Promoting Demogracy |
Anatoly Lukyanov |
[111] Public Service Labour Relations In A Demographic South Africa |
The democratic South Africa boasts some of the most advanced labour legislation in the world |
[112] Publications on Occupational Safety and Health |
[113] Ramatex: on the other side of the fence |
Experience of the Ramatex workers |
[114] Report back from POPCRU Commissions |
Commission 1: improving working conditions and professionalism of the police |
[115] Restructuring a vital concern of the people |
Mikhail Gorbachev |
[116] SA Labour Development Trust |
Annual Report |
[117] SAAPAWU |
Constitution of the South African Agrigultural, Plantation and Allied Workers Union |
[118] SACCAWU |
Wage renewal covering 2001-2002 |
[119] SACCAWU 7th National Congress |
Presidential Report 10-13 July 2002 |
[120] SACCAWU 7th National Congress |
Secretariat Report 10 – 13 July 2002 |
[121] SACCAWU 7th National Congress Programme |
Democracy and Socialism |
[122] SACCAWU Activities |
Head Office Units and Regions |
[123] SACCAWU Constitution |
As amended at the 6th national Congress – 1999 |
[124] SACCAWU fights for social security rights |
Decisions of the SACCAWU conference on social security rights |
[125] SACCAWU Resolutions and Proposed Constitutional Amendments tot the 7th National Congress |
Build stronger organisation, defend democracy, consolidate workers power and advance to socialism |
[126] SACCAWU Secretariat Report to the 7th National Congress |
Democracy and Socialism |
[127] SACCAWU Source Documents for The 7th National Congress |
10-13 Juky 2002, Bloemfontein |
[128] SACCAWU Three Year: Gender Empowerment Pogramme |
Report of the First Phase |
[129] SACTWU Education Trust |
1997 |
[130] SATAWU: joint national office bearers report |
[131] Seven Roles of Women: impact of education, migration and employment on Ghanaians mothers |
What light does the experience of educated, employed women throw upon the recent demographic and economic changes in West Africa |
[132] Sifuna Imali Yethu |
The life and struggles of Durban Dock Workers 1940-1981 |
[133] Social and Labour Bulletin |
[134] Solidarity of Labour |
Workers of the World |
[135] Solving the Problems of Southern Africa? |
A booklet for Trade Unions and Community Activists |
[136] South Africa: a review of trade unions |
[137] South African Democratic Teachers Union constitution |
Constitution |
[138] South African Workers Speak |
[139] South African Workers Speak |
SA has given birth to a democracy and thereby to majority rule. But who is the majority, which interests is the government to represent? |
[140] Sustainable Energy and Transport |
The Role of Workers and Trade Unions |
[141] Swedish act on co-determination at work |
Swedish acts and ordinances in english translation |
[142] The Bitter lesson |
Teacher Turnover and the London Allowance |
[143] The Danish Trade Union Movement |
History of the trade union in Danmark |
[144] The Democratisation of working life in Sweden |
A survey of Agreement, Legislation, Experimental Activities |
[145] The Eagle |
[146] The experiment in Zimbabwe |
The conquences and experiences of the reforms in New Zealand |
[147] The External Programme |
University of London |
[148] The Labour Korea |
quarterly News magazine of the FKTU |
[149] The Labour Movement and Employee Investment Funds |
History, Recommendation and commentary – Swedish Trade Union Confederation |
[140] The Law will become the Arbitrator |
The Law of the Sovient Union on the procedure for settling collective labour disputes |
[141] The Law will become the Arbitrator |
The law of the Soviet Union on the procedure for settling collective labour disputes |
[142] The Ministry of Labour |
Programme of action |
[143] The Ministry of Labour |
Programme of Action 1994-1998 |
[144] The Modern Unionist |
A quarterly Survey of Australian and world Trade Union Trends |
[145] The Rights of Migrant Workers |
a guide to ILO standards of the use of migrant workers and their organisation |
[146] The Swedish Labour Movement |
Booklet seeks to explain the swedish labour movent, its history and organisation, ideological role |
[147] The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions |
Zimbabwe National Cntre for the Labour Movement |
[148] The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions |
The ZCTU is the umbrella organisation of all the Trade Unions in Zimbabwe |
[149] This is TCO |
The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO) unites 1.3 million Swedish white collar workers from all areas of society |
[150] Towards a National Child labour Action programme for South Africa |
Discussion Document October 2002 |
[151] Trade Union Functions And Services |
a guide to the teaching of collective bargaining |
[152] Trade Union Functions And Services |
A guide to Statistics for trade union pay negotiators |
[153] Trade Union Movement in Nigeria |
1st annual memorial lecture |
[154] Trade Union Rights |
Survey of violations |
[155] Trade Union Rights in the Single Market |
A critical analysis by labour law expects and trade unionists from Britain and other EC |
[156] Trade Unions in Britain |
[157] Unions in America |
[158] Unprotected Labour: what roles for unions in the informal economy |
What Role For Unions In The Informal Economy |
[159] Welcome to the AUEM enginnering section |
[160] With Honour, Courage and Pride |
Defence statement at the sentencing hearing of the 5 Cuban patriots |
[161] Women Workers |
standards and policy statements of special interest to women workers |
[162] Workers Pensions: who profits |
a study of pension fund investment in South Africa |
[163] Workers United in the Struggle for Democracy and its dividents |
2001 May address |
[164] Workers world |
Life or Debt |
[165] Worker’s World |
Areas stet aside for the production of goods and services for export |
[166] Worker’s World |
Workplace Restructuring |
[167] Worker’s World |
Women and the economic crisis |
[168] Worker’s World |
Education crisis continues |
[169] Worker’s World |
Trade Talks: no easy walk |
[170] Worker’s World |
A look at Mexico |
[171] World Trade Organization |
Trade policy Review |
[172] Youth Express |
Poems depicting socio-economic struggles |
[173] Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union |
The workers driven, and people centred development process for Zimbabwe |
[174] The Durban Strikes 1973 |
Human Beings with Souls |
[175] Your Guide to Farm Workers and the Law |
Laws about farm workers |
[176] The Fight for a Living Wage! |
COSATU demands a living wag for workers |
[177] History of Worker Organisations |
Tracing back the history of trade unions in SA |
[178] New Forms of Organisations |
Papers from the Annual ILRIG – Rosa Luxemburg |
[179] Internationalism: Then and Now |
The work of ILRIG |
[180] The New Labour Relations Act: a weapon and a tool |
A Resource Book for Shopsteewards and Organisers |
[181] Working Life 1886-1940 |
Factories, Townships and popular Cultures on the Rand |
[182] Jack Jones: union man |
An autobiography |
[183] Umama onesibinde Sebhubesi |
Natal worker History Project |
[184] Images of Defiance |
South African Resistance posters of the 1980s |
[185] CUT Proposals |
energy, Sustainable Development, Income Distribution and Sovereignity |
[186] Guide to Retrechment |
NUM Organisers |
[187] Cosatu Parliamentary Bulletin |
Workers Voice in Parliament |
[188] Hotel workers in Africa |
This booklet checks on the impacts of tourism |
[189] Gold Mining Companies in Africa |
Workers’ Experience |
[190] The New Work Programme of the WTO |
This booklet provides a general analysis of the overall tenor of the Doha Work Programme |
[191] Manual for Workers Education in Africa |
[192] Unions in Transition |
COSATU at the dawn of democracy |
[193] A History of the chemical workers industrial union |
[194] A History of Worker Organisations |
In this book they give a short history of trade unions in South Africa |
[195] TGWU |
Training Manual for Branch Officers |
[196] TGWU |
Shopsteward Handbook |
[197] NEHAWU Organisers Handbook |