
[su_heading size=”21″ align=”left”]Book List[/su_heading]
[1]  Economic and Social Rights: SANGOCO’s Report on Poverty and Human Rights SA Human Rights Commission Vol . 5
[2]  100 Years of workers Struggle The theology of work and the struggle for workers in the 80s
[3]  2nd National Labour Commission Views of national trade union centres
[4]  A Cause for Concern Media Coverage of Industrial Disputes
[5]  A History of the chemical workers industrial union The first 10 years
[6]  A South African Workers Guide to Globalisation The booklet aims to define glolisation, discuss the impact of it and how workers respond to it
[7]  A Thousand Ways to Die The struggles for safety in the gold mines
[8]  Address to Teachers Unity Union of Teachers Association of South Africa
[9]  Affiliates and Cosatu Coordinators Meeting 14 May 1995 Protea Gardens Hotel Berea
[10]  African Charter for popular participation in development this publication contains the African Charter for Popular Participation in dev which was adopted by acclamation by the participants of the International Conference
[11]  African Trade Unions and Foreign Debts
[12]  American Labour Movement Brief history of the American Labour Movement
[13]  ASATUW Forum 2-5 November 1995 Riverside Hotel
[14]  Beating Apartheid The current crisis in South Africa
[15]  Black Trade Unions The influence of apartheid and capitalism on developmen of black trade unions
[16]  Bolivia: the unfinished struggle How the workers in Bolivia fought bravely against the amry government
[17]  Botwana This booklet tells the story of workers in one country, Botswana, near South Africa. It looks at the biggest strike ever happened in Botswana.
[18]  Breaking Boundaries Building an international workers movement
[19]  Building our Locals A guide for COSATU local office bearers
[20]  Commonwealth Heads of States The Nassau Communique october 1985
[21]  Conference for a Democratic Future Discussion papers. Articles on how to negotiate with government
[22]  Congress of South African Union Supplement to the Documents
[23]  Congress of South African Union CEC Meeting
[24]  Congress of South African Union CEC Meeting 23-25 March
[25]  Congress of South African Union CEC Meeting Cosatu Head office 8 April 1994
[26]  Congress of South African Union CEC Meeting 4 February 1994
[27]  Congress of South African Union NWSC Co-ordinators Meeting 8 April 1995
[28]  Congress of South African Union CEC Meeting: Financial Statement 21-22 July 1995
[29]  Congress of South African Union Cosatu national Women Sub-Committee Co-Ordinators Meeting 8 April 1995
[30]  Congress of South African Union Nedcom Meeting 13-14 june 1994
[31]  Congress of South African Union Notes to the 1994 Financial Statements
[32]  Constitution of DENOSA Constitution
[33]  Constitution of the International Labour Organisation and Standing Orders
[34]  Constitution of the National Workers Union of Jamaica Revised edition 1977
[35]  Cosatu Constitution As amended at the 4th National Congress – 1994
[35]  Cosatu Constitution as amended by the 8th National Congress in 2003
[36]  Cosatu Constitution as amended by the 4th National Congress in 1991
[37]  COSATU position paper for ANC National General Council on development and undevelopment This paper first summerizes the arguments in the ANC’s discussion paper on development. It then provide COSATU’s view on proposals in the paper.
[38]  COSATU Provident Fund Fund explained
[39]  COSATU: Key Policy Issues Papers & major Resolutions 4th National Congress, July 1994
[40]  Divide and Profit Indian workers in Natal
[41]  Durban Strikes Miners goes on a massive strike action
[42]  Economic Emancipation and Democratic Governance The Role of the Trade Unions
[43]  European Trade Union Institute The role of economic and social councils in western Europe
[44]  EW Union: The challenge of a new union Report of th COHSE, NALGO and NUPE National Executives to the 1990 Annual Conference
[45]  EW Union: The challenge of a new union Common Security Forum Studies
[46]  Farm Workers Union Constitution
[47]  Federation of South African Trade Union The workers struggle, where does FOSATU stand
[48]  Finnish Metal Workers Union Structure
[49]  Food and Allied Workers Union Constitution Constitution
[50]  Free Labour World
[51]  Free Trade Unions For Economic And Social Progress Economic and social policies of ICFTU
[52]  I am on my way home
[53]  ILO Declaration On Fundamental Principles And Rights At Work
[54]  Initiative to form a united South African Writers Organisation
[55]  International confederation of Free Trade Union Annual Survey of violations of Trade Union rights
[56]  International confederation of Free Trade Union Rules And Standing Orders
[57]  International confederation of Free Trade Union XIV Regional Congress, Tunis
[58]  International confederation of Free Trade Union African Regional Organisation
[59]  International Labour office Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises
[60]  International Labour Reports Coal: Miners in the Market Place
[61]  International Labour reports After Japan: a new industrial relations
[62]  International Labour Reports Divided Ireland: two troubled economies
[63]  International Labour Reports 1992: A challenge to labour
[64]  International Labour Reports Nigeria in Profile
[65]  International Labour Review The ILO was founded in 1919 to advance the cause of social justice and by so doing, contribute to ensuring universal and lasting peace.
[66]  International Labour Standards for Development and social Justice Introduces the standards and shows how they contribute to the attainment of economic and social development through international technical cooperation
[67]  International Textile, Garmet and leather Workers Federation Secretariat
[68]  International Trade Unionism the booklet set out who the different organisations are that usually known only by their initials.
[69]  International Training Programs in Labour Statistics, 1988 statistics
[70]  International Viewpoint Soviet Election Gets out of hand
[71]  Intorduction to the Korean National Textile Workers Union the working and structure of the union
[72]  Judgements of the Administrative Tribunal of the ILO This volume contains the judgements the tribunal delivered at its 70th session.
[73]  Labour Education
[74]  Labour Factsheet Labour and Politics
[75]  Labour Movement and Employee Investment Funds History Recommendation and Commentary
[76]  Labour Relations in South African Public Service POPCRU Labour Relation Conference 16 October 2002
[77]  Labour Verses Poetry of Anger, Poetry of Faith
[78]  Lessons from Argentina The Buenos Aires water Concession
[79]  Lessons from the 1970s struggles and strikes in East Londo East London area erupted in a wave of wildcat strike actions and community boycotts that began at the end of 1973.
[80]  LO – a central organization in Denmark Booklet is to increase the knowledge of the Danish movement and its activities
[81]  Metalworkers in South Africa Report of IMF Mission to South Africa
[82]  Migration This booklet gives an overview of major labour migration movements in different regions of the globe
[83]  Moving Borders women and the trade unions in the Netherlands
Mozambique A luta Continua
[84]  Namibian Women and Employment Strategies and Policies for the promotion of equal opportunity
[85]  Namibian Workers Organise NUNW and COSATU
[86]  National Union of Mine Workers Study Circle Manual
[87]  NEHAWU National policy Conference Policy Framework Document 1
[88]  New Labour Forum a journal of ideas, analysis, and debate
[89]  Nicaragua Against all odds
[90]  Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions Structure
[91]  NUM 11th National Congress Secretariat Report 7-10 May 2003
[92]  NUM 1946 Five brave days
[93]  NUM Annual Financial Statement 31-Dec-03
[94]  NUM Central Committee Secretariat Report 12-15 May 2005
[95]  NUM Compensation for work
[96]  NUM Construction Sector Special Congress 2004
[97]  NUM Retirement Fund Summit Report 3-5 March 2005
[98]  NUM Service to members Preliminary Report
[99]  NUM Special Congress Constitutional Amendments 2004
[100]  NUM Special Congress Secretariat Report
[101]  NUM: Guide to Retrenchment NUM Organisers
[102]  NUM: Guide to Retrenchment NUM Organisers
[103]  NUM: Guide to Retrenchment NUM Organisers
[104]  NUM: Guide to Retrenchment NUM Organisers
[105]  Official South African Trade Unions Directory Industrial Relations Handbook and Diary
[106]  Paper presented at the POPCRU Workshop
[107]  Plought o Plate Approches to Food and Agriculture Workers and Trade Unions In The Agriculture And Food System
[108]  POPCRU Labour Relations Conference Leroy Logan chairperson of the Lodon Black Police Association Speech
[109]  Power Black workers, their unions and the struggle for freedom in South Africa
[110]  Promoting Demogracy Anatoly Lukyanov
[111]  Public Service Labour Relations In A Demographic South Africa The democratic South Africa boasts some of the most advanced labour legislation in the world
[112]  Publications on Occupational Safety and Health
[113]  Ramatex: on the other side of the fence Experience of the Ramatex workers
[114]  Report back from POPCRU Commissions Commission 1: improving working conditions and professionalism of the police
[115]  Restructuring a vital concern of the people Mikhail Gorbachev
[116]  SA Labour Development Trust Annual Report
[117]  SAAPAWU Constitution of the South African Agrigultural, Plantation and Allied Workers Union
[118]  SACCAWU Wage renewal covering 2001-2002
[119]  SACCAWU 7th National Congress Presidential Report 10-13 July 2002
[120]  SACCAWU 7th National Congress Secretariat Report 10 – 13 July 2002
[121]  SACCAWU 7th National Congress Programme Democracy and Socialism
[122]  SACCAWU Activities Head Office Units and Regions
[123]  SACCAWU Constitution As amended at the 6th national Congress – 1999
[124]  SACCAWU fights for social security rights Decisions of the SACCAWU conference on social security rights
[125]  SACCAWU Resolutions and Proposed Constitutional Amendments tot the 7th National Congress Build stronger organisation, defend democracy, consolidate workers power and advance to socialism
[126]  SACCAWU Secretariat Report to the 7th National Congress Democracy and Socialism
[127]  SACCAWU Source Documents for The 7th National Congress 10-13 Juky 2002, Bloemfontein
[128]  SACCAWU Three Year: Gender Empowerment Pogramme Report of the First Phase
[129]  SACTWU Education Trust 1997
[130]  SATAWU: joint national office bearers report
[131]  Seven Roles of Women: impact of education, migration and employment on Ghanaians mothers What light does the experience of educated, employed women throw upon the recent demographic and economic changes in West Africa
[132]  Sifuna Imali Yethu The life and struggles of Durban Dock Workers 1940-1981
[133]  Social and Labour Bulletin
[134]  Solidarity of Labour Workers  of the World
[135]  Solving the Problems of Southern Africa? A booklet for Trade Unions and Community Activists
[136]  South Africa: a review of trade unions
[137]  South African Democratic Teachers Union constitution Constitution
[138]  South African Workers Speak
[139]  South African Workers Speak SA has given birth to a democracy and thereby to majority rule. But who is the majority, which interests is the government to represent?
[140]  Sustainable Energy and Transport The Role of Workers and Trade Unions
[141]  Swedish act on co-determination at work Swedish acts and ordinances in english translation
[142]  The Bitter lesson Teacher Turnover and the London Allowance
[143]  The Danish Trade Union Movement History of the trade union in Danmark
[144]  The Democratisation of working life in Sweden A survey of Agreement, Legislation, Experimental Activities
[145]  The Eagle
[146]  The experiment in Zimbabwe The conquences and experiences of the reforms in New Zealand
[147]  The External Programme University of London
[148]  The Labour Korea quarterly News magazine of the FKTU
[149]  The Labour Movement and Employee Investment Funds History, Recommendation and commentary – Swedish Trade Union Confederation
[140]  The Law will become the Arbitrator The Law of the Sovient Union on the procedure for settling collective labour disputes
[141]  The Law will become the Arbitrator The law of the Soviet Union on the procedure for settling collective labour disputes
[142]  The Ministry of Labour Programme of action
[143]  The Ministry of Labour Programme of Action 1994-1998
[144]  The Modern Unionist A quarterly Survey of Australian and world Trade Union Trends
[145]  The Rights of Migrant Workers a guide to ILO standards of the use of migrant workers and their organisation
[146]  The Swedish Labour Movement Booklet seeks to explain the swedish labour movent, its history and organisation, ideological role
[147]  The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions Zimbabwe National Cntre for the Labour Movement
[148]  The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions The ZCTU is the umbrella organisation of all the Trade Unions in Zimbabwe
[149]  This is TCO The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees (TCO) unites 1.3 million Swedish white collar workers from all areas of society
[150]  Towards a National Child labour Action programme for South Africa Discussion Document October 2002
[151]  Trade Union Functions And Services a guide to the teaching of collective bargaining
[152]  Trade Union Functions And Services A guide to Statistics for trade union pay negotiators
[153]  Trade Union Movement in Nigeria 1st annual memorial lecture
[154]  Trade Union Rights Survey of violations
[155]  Trade Union Rights in the Single Market A critical analysis by labour law expects and trade unionists from Britain and other EC
[156]  Trade Unions in Britain
[157]  Unions in America
[158]  Unprotected Labour: what roles for unions in the informal economy What Role For Unions In The Informal Economy
[159]  Welcome to the AUEM enginnering section
[160]  With Honour, Courage and Pride Defence statement at the sentencing hearing of the 5 Cuban patriots
[161]  Women Workers standards and policy statements of special interest to women workers
[162]  Workers Pensions: who profits a study of pension fund investment in South Africa
[163]  Workers United in the Struggle for Democracy and its dividents 2001 May address
[164]  Workers world Life or Debt
[165]  Worker’s World Areas stet aside for the production of goods and services for export
[166]  Worker’s World Workplace Restructuring
[167]  Worker’s World Women and the economic crisis
[168]  Worker’s World Education crisis continues
[169]  Worker’s World Trade Talks: no easy walk
[170]  Worker’s World A look at Mexico
[171]  World Trade Organization Trade policy Review
[172]  Youth Express Poems depicting socio-economic struggles
[173]  Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union The workers driven, and people centred development process for Zimbabwe
[174]  The Durban Strikes 1973 Human Beings with Souls
[175]  Your Guide to Farm Workers and the Law Laws about farm workers
[176]  The Fight for a Living Wage! COSATU demands a living wag for workers
[177]  History of Worker Organisations Tracing back the history of trade unions in SA
[178]  New Forms of Organisations Papers from the Annual ILRIG – Rosa Luxemburg
[179]  Internationalism: Then and Now The work of ILRIG
[180]  The New Labour Relations Act: a weapon and a tool A Resource Book for Shopsteewards and Organisers
[181]  Working Life 1886-1940 Factories, Townships and popular Cultures on the Rand
[182]  Jack Jones: union man An autobiography
[183]  Umama onesibinde Sebhubesi Natal worker History Project
[184]  Images of Defiance South African Resistance posters of the 1980s
[185]  CUT Proposals energy, Sustainable Development, Income Distribution and Sovereignity
[186]  Guide to Retrechment NUM Organisers
[187]  Cosatu Parliamentary Bulletin Workers Voice in Parliament
[188]  Hotel workers in Africa This booklet checks on the impacts of tourism
[189]  Gold Mining Companies in Africa Workers’ Experience
[190]  The New Work Programme of the WTO This booklet provides a general analysis of the overall tenor of the Doha Work Programme
[191]  Manual for Workers Education in Africa
[192]  Unions in Transition COSATU at the dawn of democracy
[193]  A History of the chemical workers industrial union
[194]  A History of Worker Organisations In this book they give a short history of trade unions in South Africa
[195]  TGWU Training Manual for Branch Officers
[196]  TGWU Shopsteward Handbook
[197]  NEHAWU Organisers Handbook