
[su_heading size=”21″ align=”left”]Book List[/su_heading]
1. Economic and Social Rights: Protocol SA Human Rights Commission Vol . 2
2.  Institute for Industrial Relations Educational Centre Trust Director’s Annual Report 1987
3.  Nigeria Labour Congress Review of Petroleum Products Supply and Dustribution in Nigeria
4.  Financing of Training To what extent, in other words, should the private sector increase its funding on training.
5.  Sixteenth International Conference of Labour statisticians Report of the Conference
6.  World Labour Report Indusrial Relations, democracy and social stability
7.  Decent Work This report proposes a primary goal for the ILO in this period of global transition.
8.  Bulletins of Labour Statistics present articles and notes relevant to the production and analysis of labour stats
9. Your Voice at Work Global report under the follow-up to the ILO declaration
10.  Global Water Outlook To 2025: Food Policy Report Averting an Impending Crisis
11.  The Detention of Children in South Africa A Report of the Canadian Labour Congress
12.  Report of the OATUU/ILO/COSATU Seminar on Gender Mainstreaming in the Trade Union Movement Challeges for the next Millennium
13.  Privitizing Cape Town Municipal Services Project
14.  Aids,Orphan, Crime and Instability Exploring the linkage
15.  Restructuring in Commercial agriculture in SA An investigation into the impact of restructuring on the position and conditions of farm workers
16.  An Alternative View of Privatization this booklet explores the concept and practice of privatisation
17. Practical Solidarity 1988 Report
18.  National Peace Convention National Peace Accord
19.  The Necessity for Change Perestroika and the Trade Unions
20.  International Labour office Summery of Reports Submitted by Governents and by employers and workers organisations
21. Quarterly Review of Education and Training in South Africa Policy Process and Implementation
22. Report of the Executive Board Activities of the Trade Union Congress in Ghana
23.  Assessment of the past 14 months after the 8th National Congress Assessment of the past 14 months after the 8th National Congress September 2003
24.  Report of the Resolutions Committee The Resolutions Committee met on the 7 August 2003
25.  Organisational Report This report reviews organisational development in COSATU, including progress in implementing the 7th Congress Resolutions.
26.  Socio-Economic Report: Draft This soci-economic report assesses progress since the 7th congress toward COSATU’s soci-economic objectives
27. Political Report This list the political objectives as tabled by the 7th congress and set to be achieved within 3 year period.
28.  International Labour Reports Raising the Curtain on the Eastern Europe
29. International Labour Reports ILR Celebrates its 3rd Birhtday amdMourns the Murder of Rolando
30. Global Dialogue Attacks highlight dangers of religious nationalism
31. Global Global Sustainable Mining Initiative Nears Completion
32. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Migrants in European agriculture: open season for exploitation
33. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions ICFTU Survey 2003: unionist increasingly in line of fire
34.  The Southern Africa Trade Union Coordination Council 7th SATUCC Delegates Congress Report
35. 8th National Congress Closeout Report
36.  International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Making sustainability work: why workplaces are central to sustainable development
37. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Women Migrant Domestic Workers: bringing the sector into the open
38.  International Confederation of Free Trade Unions The Global Unions Call to Action
39. Productivity – Key to sustainable development in SADC 1997 SADC Consultative Conference
40.  International Confederation of Free Trade Unions Organising the Union
41.  The Vienna Conference European-South African Cooperation in a Globalising World
42.  The World Competitiveness Report Comparative Study of the different World Competitive Elements
43. Fighting Poverty And Strengthening Growth Recent progress by the IMF and the World Bank in implemanting the PRSP approach and the HIPC initiative
44.  Israel: an apartheid state The aspiration of the Media Review Network is to dispel the myths and stereotypes about Islam and Muslims and to foster bridges of understanding.
45. NEPAD The New Partnership For Africa’s Development
46. Southern Africa Labour And Development Research Unit Workers Papers
47. International Confederation of Free Trade Unions: African Regional Organisations Report on activities 1993-1996
48. South African Trade Union Leardership Academy Review of the work in 2005 ideas and plans for 2006
49. The Deepening Divide Civil society and Development in South Africa 2001/2002
50.  Conference for a Democratic Future This booklet is intended to serve as a report-back to those organisations which were party to the conference for a Democratic Future
51. South Africa: Geared for Growth The Department of Trade and Industry