Cosatu Constitution
Note: we, the Trade Union representatives here present firmly commit ourselves to a unified democratic South Africa, free of oppression and economic exploitation. we believe that this could only be achieved under the leadership of a united working class. Request
Cosatu document on building unity and cohesion
Note: The convening of the Special National Congress (SNC) is based on a request by 9 COSATU affiliates to the COSATU President whom they requested to convene a special congress to discuss the unity and cohesion of COSATU and the leadership
Seize the moment!
Note: A message to all COSATU members and the people of South Africa. we have taken an extraordinary step to produce this booklet for the conference, to set out in own words how we see the current situation, and what COSATU is proposing as a way forward in this difficult moment
A growth path towards full employment
Note: A policy perspective of the Congress of South African Trade Unions. This document emerged from a process of engagement with all COSATU affiliates as a way to mobilize an input into the growth path process, and to consolidate COSATU’s perspectives on various aspects of what should constitute a new growth path framework
Advancing Social Transformation in Era of Globalisation
Note: This booklet aims to initiate a discussion in COSATU and the democratic movement as a whole on the state of the transformation and our progress in taking forward the National Democratic Revolution (NDR). This process should inform the development of resolutions for COSATU’s seventh National Congress
Consolidating Working Class Power for Quality Jobs – 2015 Plan
Note: The complex challenges facing the working class demand a longer-term vision to build a strong trade union movement and to assert working class leadership. The march to our long-term vision demands patience, resilience, bold thinking foresighted and visionary leadership. Request
Economic Policy Contestation in Government
Note: A process of engagement has been initiated in Government on key policy questions, to align policy with the directions set in Polokwane. But most of these processes are still in an early phases and have not yet been translated into concrete programmes.